Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Your Time Is Worth A Fortune

Your Time Is Worth A FortuneIt is a delightful challenge to read several high quality articles on paper topics for several months to two years at a time. In fact, if you are lucky, and your eyes are ready to cope with the challenges, then you will enjoy the experience immensely.The only question that remains is, how long should you be able to sustain such experiences? How many paper topics do you have to read for that first month? How many weeks? Are there any best practices in terms of keeping them fresh and interesting?For me, I would say that all things considered, you should be able to sustain your reading of the same subject for three to four months before deciding whether it is still worth pursuing. This does not however, mean that you should be willing to drop the project or pick another subject.I think you should evaluate each book on paper topics with the same kind of scrutiny that you do with books in the library. This means that you should not just read, but also go throug h the book before you purchase it, comparing its structure, content, and style. You should always keep your eyes open for new ideas and new approaches.It is also very important to know what the overall trends in publishing and the industry are. Some topics that are popular among many different niches will be geared towards these niches, while others will not. You should therefore also be on the lookout for topics that might be off-limits to you based on what is hot or popular.The bottom line is that you should not just read books as if they were on vacation. You should also learn from them, re-read them, and keep a keen eye out for topics that will keep you interested and informed.Paper topics for many months would most certainly take you far. In fact, I would venture to say that for myself, they are what make me most happy and successful in my line of work. So take some time to go through these particular topics and see where they take you, and how much they strengthen your abiliti es in your line of work.It is best to keep them fresh and interesting, and of course fresh and interesting is what readers want. As a result, if you follow these tips, you should find that your time invested in these topics for months at a time will not only enrich your work but will also help you build your resume.

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